Jack Craib's Rowboat Motor Information Site

Cudell Motoren-Gesellschsft mbH, Berlin


Cudell "motor screw"
"This is a self-contained unit consisting of a complete engine and accessories. Gasoline tank, oil reservoir, batteries or magneto ignition rope starter, propeller and operating mechanisms. This apparatus is at the back of the boat, articulated, so that the conversion into a motor boat can be accomplished within a short time.

The apparatus can be run like a rudder in the boat and can be rotated about a vertical and horizontal axis. Since the propeller is working about 1.50 m behind the boat, it is in almost still water, with very good efficiency. (90" long, with 60" outside the boat - Webb*) The propeller can be immersed to different depths in the water and secured in any position. In that the screw can be more or less deeply immersed, you can change the speed of the boat (apart from the change in the number of revolutions of the engine). The vertical axis is controlled by rotating the whole apparatus."

translation from Der Motorwagen, Vol. 1, 1907

* Webb says, in his The Pictorial History of Outboard Motors, this motor was "carefully described in a 1905 issue of Überall, a German army and navy magazine.

1907 - from the book Der Motorwagon

With the help of internal combustion engines, water transport achieves greater expansion every day. The date will be not far off when the streets of larger cities have a large number of motor vehicles, the rivers and coasts will be busy with motor boats.

The Cudell Motor Company, which manufactures not only motor boats and boat motors to be installed in new motor boats, has set itself the task of constructing these drives and bringing them to market, enabling existing vessels to be provided with boat engines.

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Background Information

CUDELL (the car) in Aachen
This car marked the beginning of the century...with automobiles purchased in Iceland used in Denmark. It was produced in 1901 in the city of Aachen in Germany under a production license from France.

The manufacturer was Cudell and the company is a pioneer in automobile production in Germany. The Cudell Company in Aachen produced various products starting in 1871. Brothers Carl and Iwan Cudell formed the company, but in 1897 the progeny Max and Carl Cudell joined.

Max Cudell decided that year to begin automobile production in his own business under the name "Cudell und Co. KG., Motoren-und Motorfahrzeugfabrik", and did it with Metzgerstrasse in Aachen.

Cudell factories were in Aachen in the years 1897-1904, but following a fire (it burned all the drawings along with 25 cars and 10 motorcycles) and bankruptcy were transferred to Berlin and was operated until 1908.

from: Development of vehicles in the beginning of the century, by Hjálmt´yr Heiddal

The Cudell was a German car made from 1898 to 1908. It was made in Aachen until 1905, and thenceforth in Berlin.

Max Cudell founded the company in 1898 to manufacture licensed De Dion-Bouton vehicles. The original 3-wheelers were succeeded by a 3.5hp voiturette. These were followed by more De Dion-style vehicles until 1904. In that year, Karl Slevogt-designed vehicles premiered with little, if any, resemblance to the former French-influenced models. These new cars featured an advanced 4-cylinder engine that had a 5-bearing crankshaft and overhead valves. Versions of the engines ranged from 16/20PS to a 6.1L 35/40PS.

The Berlin branch was headed by Paul Cudell and did not make many cars. After auto manufacture was stopped, the company continued to manufacture marine engines, as well as a carburetor of the same name.

Sources: Georgano, Nick (Ed.). The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. ISBN 1-57958-293-1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from: https://ww2.dsm.museum/DSA/DSA22_1999_343360_Rudolph.pdf

Google Translate

The Berlin Cudell-Motoren GmbH , located in Reinickendorfer Strasse in Wedding, was founded in 1906.
A parent company in Aachen had been in existence since 1899. The Berlin company
attracted attention right at the start of operations with its small four-stroke engine of 1.75 hp,
called "engine screw", which is considered the forerunner of outboard motors.
After the First World War, the plant also produced "real" outboard motors (two and five horsepower).

Carburettors, cars, motor pumps and dynamos were also manufactured in Berlin. From
In 1912, in addition to the small Otto drives, Cudell also promoted the newly designed ones
Glowhead boat engines operating at 350rpm. as a single cylinder 10 HP, two-cylinder rig 20 HP
contributed. After the First World War, the plant also produced "real" outboard motors (two and five horsepower). They existed as a supplier of small engines
Still operating in 1945.

Original German

Cudell Die Berliner Cudell-Motoren GmbH -an der Reinickendorfer Straße im Wedding -wurde 1906 gegr ündet. Ein Aachener Mutterbetrieb existierte bereits seit 1899. Die Berliner Firma erregte gleich zu Betriebsbeginn Au fsehen durch ihren Kleinsr- Viertakter von 1,75 PS, genannt » Motorschraube<<, der als Vorläufer der Außenbordmotoren angesehen werden kann. Hergestellt wurden in Berlin auch Vergaser, Pkw, Motorpumpen und Dynamos. Ab 1912 warb Cudell-neben den kleinen Otto-Antrieben-auch f ür die neukonstruierten Gl ühkopf-Bootsmotoren, die bei 350 U/min. als Einzylinder 10 PS, zweizylind rig 20 PS leisteten. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg hat das Werk dann auch »richtige<< Außenbordmotoren (von zwei und f ünf PS) hergestellt. Als Lieferant von Kleinmotoren existierte der Betrieb noch 1945.