Jack Craib's Rowboat Motor Information Site


Wisconsin Machinery and Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Model designations:

Model J - no magneto, no rudder, 2 hp

Model K - magneto, no rudder, 2 hp

Model L - rudder, no magneto, 2 hp

Model M - magneto and rudder, 2 hp

Model N - magneto and rudder, 3 1/2 hp



January, 1912 -The first Wisconsin Rowboat Motor was placed on the market in . The first year saw the production of only one model, the 2 H.P. Battery Ignition.

1913 - one more size was added, the 3 1/2 H.P. Battery Ignition Model.

1914 - Models M and N, the 2 and 3 1/2 H.P. motors, with special true high tension magneto ignition were developed.

1915 gave birth to the rudderless "Wisconsin Junior" models, with both battery and high tension magneto ignition.
(information from 1915 article HERE)

There were three rudder styles. The curviest, seen on the 1911 and 1913 below, is the earliest.


1911 perhaps





Documenting a
major restoration
of a Model J
by Dave Bono


Model J


Model K

Model K

Model K
magneto photos

Model L


1914, Model M

1914, Model M

Wisconsin Model M

Model M

Interesting modifications to
a hardworking motor

1914, Model N
and a good story.

more of the Model N to the left



Assorted parts

1916 Brochure

Newpaper clippings, ads, patents,


Click these images if you want a very large image.